Gender and Diplomacy: Explaining Variations in Woman Ambassador Appointments
This research focuses on institutional and extra-institutional factors that may explain why some European countries appoint more women ambassadors than others. These factors include the socio-economic (in)dependence of the accompanying spouse or partner of the MFA officer. This project is conducted in cooperation with researchers from the Institute of International Relations in Prague and the Prague University of Economics and Business.
Divorce and separation: learning lessons for better support of partners and spouses
Based on in-depth interviews with previous foreign service spouses who went through divorce, this study seeks to determine what both spouses/partners and also MFAs can learn from their experiences.
Diplomatic partners and paid work: Measuring the employment and unemployment rate
The EUFASA Research Department conducts a first-ever research measuring the employment unemployment rate among diplomatic partners. The ERD developed an online survey works with the OECD and ILO definitions of employment, unemployment, underemployment and other work-related categories. This research follows up previous ERD research showing that most diplomatic partners desire to have paid work on posting but also face many structural and individual barriers to paid employment.