Rome 1985



The first Conference (or Symposium) was held in Rome at the initiative of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Spouses Association (ACDMAE) with delegates from all the EEC member countries (except Luxembourg).

The delegates were the spouses of the EEC Ambassadors in Rome (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, U.K., Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain), and representatives of existing MFA Spouses’ Associations from: Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and U.K.(plus a delegate from the French MFA’s “Bureau d’Information” since France did not yet a spouses’ association).


Theme of the Conference:

  • European Dimensions of the Diplomatic Service Family Implications (presented by the Italian Association)
  • The Value of Tradition: the role of the diplomat’s wife and the family’s engagement in the missions abroad.
  • The Role of the Wife in the Diplomatic Service: her potential and future.
  • The Repercussions of the Diplomatic Life on the Family Life: health, education, emotional stress.
  • Cultural Interests / Professional Interests:
    Problems resulting from the marriage dissolution: separation, divorce, and widowhood.