EUFASA Welcome Team (EWT)
Germany (Head), Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal
- Implementation of a new welcome system for EU diplomatic spouses
- Permanent Working Group (PWG) and Local Teams will be set up within EUFASA with clear tasks and responsibilities
- Associations are invited to launch a EWT in their capital and abroad, and to produce an EWT Post Report based on a template
The Legal Status of Accompanying Parents
Poland (Head), Czech Republic, France, Hungary
- The care for elderly parents is a growing problem of transferable officers of European Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFAs)
- Survey results and recommendations for association members and MFAs
Communication between Associations and Ministries of Foreign Affairs
Austria (Head), Cyprus, Germany, Ireland
- Analysis of opportunities for communication between Associations and MFAs
- Comparing practices and experiences of EUFASA members
- Recommendations
Employment – Establishing links with the private sector
Portugal (Head), France, Italy, Switzerland
Follow-up on the recommendations from 2011 Budapest Conference
- Survey results
- Employment opportunities on association websites
- Employment search aids (Start Kits)
- Recommendations to associations and EUFASA
Elaborating a New Conference Model (SWOT Analysis)
Italy (Head), Belgium, Spain, EU
- Analysis of identified strengths, weaknesses and opportunities
- Recommendations
Status of the Spouse – Same Sex Partners
The Netherlands, Finland
Working Group follow up from Budapest 2011 Conference
- EUFASA recommendations have been implemented by some EU MFAs